
地址 : 江西省南昌市昌北国家经济技术开发区双港东大街169号


撰稿:暂无数据 发布时间:2019-09-01 14:10:50


       Zhu Li Meng, graduated in Huadong Normal University,a researcher in Jiangxi Economic and Social Development and reformation of Institute of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics in major of Regional economic and industrial economic,a member of standing committee of the tenth Jiangxi People's Congress,a member of standing committee of the tenth and the Eleventh Jiangxi CPPCC,a member of Economic Commission of China Democratic National Construction Association,a director of Economic Commission of Jiangxi Democratic National Construction Association,a director of Chinese Regional Economic Commission. More than 10 professional books were published in China Business Press、Economic Management Press or Jiangxi People Press,such as “Yangtze River Economic Belt the Status and Role of Jiangxi”、”the Feasibility Analysis and Development Strategy of the Central Triangle Urban Agglomeration”、” Urbanization and County Economic Development in Jiangxi”、” Economic Research of Jiangxi County”、” Regional Economic Theory and Strategy”、” Scientific Concept of Development and Regional Economic Developmen”、” Agriculture、rural areas and farmers of Central Region in China”、” Core growth pole of Nanchang”、” Urban Construction of Jiangxi”. More than 40 papers were published in Economic Geography、Science of Finance and Economics、Social science front、Issues in Agricultural Economy and so on. She has presided or participated more than 20 provincial research. The four scientific research got second prize or third prize. Jiangxi provincial leaders give her research the important instructions and High evaluation.


地址:  江西省南昌市昌北国家经济技术开发区双港东大街169号  联系电话:(0791)83816902  

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